Well, I've completed one additional year of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) research training through the NIH fellowship. I learned CAM theory and methods of research, along with studies in medical anthropology, ethno-medicine, and bio-statistics. I was also involved with another service learning project that worked with several inter-city resource organizations. My participation with Project Reach continues, as well, as we close out our first year of collaboration with local chiropractors and begin the second with acupuncturists.
This summer has been about healing for me. I worked really hard this past year and felt like my health needed attention. So, I've been slowly decompressing by getting back to a decent sleep schedule, eating right, and getting enough exercise. Time with family and friends has been of top priority too and I've enjoyed catching up with them. I've even had time for fun, and much needed mindless, activities like NetFlix, badly written memoirs of interesting people, and a trip to the coast.
My next focus will be on my practice. I haven't spent time marketing, networking, or promoting it in any way. Thank goodness for a strong client base that has sustained me through this rough economy. I've learned so much from my clients and my practice has always been my real passion. It is through our connection that I continue to grow and why I've pursued higher education in the first place. It is time, however, to practice build once again. There are so many resources out there to help me and I've got a couple methods I'll dust off and reuse. If you have any ideas you're willing to share, let me know, I'd love to hear them; stay tuned.